Communication & mobile application📱
design for

01.png is an online pharmacy and medicine delivery service. It covers more than 6 big cities in Russia, including Moscow and Saint Petersburg.

Together with the team I analysed the analytics about the mobile application and the website, improved some features in the mobile application, made a new landing page for the mobile application and took part in structuring components for UI-kit.

Landing page for the mobile application: Interactive prototype encourages a visitor to make a test order in the browser to see that an order can be made in 3 steps. Structure of the prototype is presented below. Click on it to make it bigger. The landing page includes information about the variety of medicine presented in the app, delivery, customer benefits and customer reviews.

Landing page for the mobile application: Interactive prototype encourages a visitor to make a test order in the browser to see that an order can be made in 3 steps. Structure of the prototype is presented below. Click on it to make it bigger. The landing page includes information about the variety of medicine presented in the app, delivery, customer benefits and customer reviews.

Landing page for the mobile application. Interactive prototype encourages a visitor to make a test order in the browser to see that an order can be made in 3 steps. Structure of the prototype is presented below. Click on it to make it bigger. The la…
In addition, I designed some new elements for the website. For example, pop-ups for special offers.

In addition, I designed some new elements for the website. For example, pop-ups for special offers.

Screenshot 2020-02-13 at 14.04.41.png

Together with design director Anna Bakirova we worked on organisation and structuring design elements for cooperation between design and front-end teams.

We collected and partially redesigned all of the elements used on the website (desktop/mobile versions) and mobile application.


Revista Base: Website for Design Magazine


Longform Article About Varicose Veins